Florida Laws

Walking at Night is Not Against the Law

If you were hit by a car while walking at night, you need to talk to an attorney immediately. Do not let the other party or the police tell you that you were at fault because you were wearing dark clothing or were crossing the street at an unlit or dimly lit intersection. Pedestrians are… read more

Vehicle and Driver Requirements for Uber and Lyft

Uber and Lyft are popular rideshare companies. Rideshare services have become one of the most common ways to get around Orlando, Florida if you do not have a vehicle of your own. Tourists often use rideshare services instead of using public buses or taxis.  Uber and Lyft drivers are independent contractors. They use their personal… read more

The Differences Between Civil and Criminal Liability

Not to be too dramatic, but let’s say you are in Orlando for the weekend and you, unfortunately, get involved in an auto accident. This could either mean a civil or criminal lawsuit, in either case, you have Payer Law Personal Injury Lawyers to assist you. A civil case typically includes a private dispute between people or… read more